Wednesday, June 18, 2008

June 18--Day 6, Part 2--Observation

No picture on this entry--you'll thank me later.

We were sitting in worship tonight, and I made another observation. Angel was on the far left of our row, Ashlynn was to her immediate right, and I was sitting in Ashlynn's lap. I looked down our row, and on the far seats to the right was a girl (about 8 or 9 years old) and a woman. The woman was in the aisle seat with the girl next to her.

That little girl picked her nose almost the entire worship service. I was so distracted I could hardly listen to Pastor Brandon.

Not only that, she snacked on what she found up there. Considering the worship service was nearly an hour long, she must have found enough for a meal, because she just kept on going!

The whole thing reminded me of a song Pastor Marc (our church's children's pastor and leader for camp) taught me. I don't remember all the words, but it starts out "Delta Rose, what's that hanging out your nose?"

Not really sure what the moral of the story is, but thought I'd share.


Anonymous said...

Wow! I am so glad to know that the true Angel is still in existence even at "church camp." I am so glad that I was not in the service beside you, that would have been a crack up! We're still hanging in there, hopefully we will soon have a baby!

Anonymous said...

I can't safind the songs either but we had an evangelist that gave us tapes of boogers songs on it when I was a kid. Wish I could find it. That song went like this.
Delta Rose what's that hangin out your nose. Could it be a famous blow from days gone by. Or did I hear you say you were saving it for today? To make an dewy gooey booger pie.

Unknown said...

I am trying to find this song. It was recorded and I think, even written by the elusive David Petite.