Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 17th--Day 5, Part 2--Observations

So I'm sitting in the lounge updating my blog this afternoon, and I see two girls trying to get into their room. Turns out one left the key in the room and the other locked and shut the door. They wail loudly to all who will listen about their dire circumstance, which of course brings a flock of tweens to their rescue. This observation taught me one very important lesson--no matter how many girls try to turn the knob of a locked door, it will not open without the key.

And while driving back from the store today with Angel (two girls forgot their toothbrushes and Ashlynn needed ear plugs because the group times are so loud), I noticed a sign in town. You know, one of those official, printed-by-the-state, green directional signs. Take a look and tell me what's wrong:
That's right. The waterfall is not in possession of anything, and therefore the apostrophe is totally unnecessary. Crazy thing is, the next sign closer to the red light does not have the apostrophe. Repeated mocking is now encouraged.


Lt_MPFD said...

Love the blog! Have fun this summer!


SSprinkel said...

Love that Angel sense of humor! It made me laugh. I'm comforted to know that someone else is annoyed by grammatical errors. I hope you do get to snap a pic - I'll put it on my "Wall of Shame".

We love following the Adventures of Sock Monkey! The Sprinkel and Flowers families will be reading the blog to follow on your adventures.

We miss you! Be careful! (Oh, and it was refreshing to learn about the "poo" thing.)