Tuesday, June 17, 2008

June 16th--Day 4--To Camp!

Off to camp! We made a few stops along the way, since we didn’t have to be at Toccoa Falls College until the afternoon. Downtown Toccoa has a neat museum that focuses on Camp Toccoa, where WWII paratroopers were trained. In fact, about 17,000 soldiers of the 501st, 506th, and 517th Paratrooper Infantry Regiments were trained there. These are the guys behind the stories for The Band of Brothers, Saving Private Ryan, and The Dirty Dozen.

By the way, the word "Toccoa" means "beautiful" in Cherokee. And so far, it's aptly named.

We found this place with some small waterfalls called Henderson Falls Park. Ashlynn and I had a great time walking up and down the creek. The water was really cold!

After a tasty lunch at Zaxby’s, we headed up to TFC to meet up with our church for the Centri-Kids camp. Remember how it was all girls being born at the CPK hospital? Well, it’s all girls from our church in Summerville going to camp! Will I ever find another guy to talk about guy stuff with?

While we were checking in, this little girl grabbed me for a hug and was swinging me back and forth! I was so dizzy afterwards, but it is nice to be loved. Maybe girls aren't so bad after all! We were even stopped in a Wal-Mart earlier today and a woman was asking about me. She was hoping Angel could make one for her, but I’m the only sock monkey she’s ever made, and I hope to keep it that way—the uniqueness adds to my charm.

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