Saturday, July 18, 2009

Tupelo and Oxford, Mississippi--July 18th

We made it to Mississippi!

First stop: Tupelo, the birthplace of Elvis. This is his very modest, very small home.

Here's a statue of the young Elvis, which, being monkeys, we just had to climb.

The type car Elvis and his family had.

Next stop: Oxford, the home of William Faulkner. He is one of Angel's favorite authors. Here we are in front of Rowan Oak, his home for most of his adult life.

A statue of Faulkner at City Hall, which, unsurprisingly, Stripes and I had to climb. If you are surprised, then you are not paying much attention because:
1. We are monkeys. Monkeys climb on things. Hence the prehensile tails.
2. We just talked about having to climb when we saw the Elvis statue. If you missed it, scroll up and re-read.

Miles driven: 327
Total miles driven:1209

1 comment:

Carlie said...

How fun! Glad you visited. You are much cooler than globe-trotting gnomes :-)