Saturday, July 18, 2009

Fitzgerald Museum and Selma, July 15th

Here Stripes and I are in front of the house where F. Scott Fitzgerald lived with his wife, Zelda, and their daughter, Scottie, for a few months. Scott and Zelda both wrote several stories from here.

Here's a better picture of the house. Only the bottom right quarter of the house is the museum. The other parts are divided into apartments and rented out. Boy, Angel sure would love to rent one of those rooms! Imagine, living in the same house as the Fitzgeralds!

After the Fitzgerald museum, we drove down Highway 80 toward Selma. This was the same route the Civil Rights demonstrators marched back in March of 1963. It wasn't really too long of a drive, but it was a five-day walk for them.

Brown Chapel in Selma. This church is smack dab in the middle of Selma's government housing project.

First Baptist Church. Ashlynn, Stripes, and I are hanging out in the car while Angel takes the picture. It was blistering hot!

Pettus Bridge, where demonstrators crossed on their march. The first time they were attacked by the police, the second time they stopped at the bridge to pray and then turned around, but on the third march they crossed and went into Montgomery.

Mileage driven that day: 140 miles
Total mileage: 741 miles

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