Sunday, July 19, 2009

Memphis, July 18th and 19th

The best free view of Graceland!

Shh! Don't tell anybody, but I wrote on Elvis' wall at Graceland! I just had to show my love for Stripes!

Here I am with Ashlynn at the Memphis visitor's center downtown. We had to stop for a map to the zoo since Angel left her's at the hotel. She could have done a better job taking the picture, seeing as how you can't see the 'I' made from a guitar and the 'S.' I guess if you want something done right, you should just do it yourself.

We made it to the zoo! I think it first opened in 1906.

I do love having my picture taken in front of monuments, especially if they have the name of where we are printed it.

Even a sock monkey needs to stop and meditate once in a while.

I've posed with many celebrities and important people on this trip. Buddha seemed only too happy to pose with me.

Yet another cut-out face board.
Just call me "Socko Polo." Or should that be "Marco Socko." Maybe "Monkeyo Polo." Ahh, nevermind.

Family reunion! Only my prehensile tail makes me a bit evolutionarily superior to my orangutan cousin.

All in all we had a great day at the zoo. Angel and Ashlynn went to The Peabody Hotel to watch the mallards walk from the fountain to their nighttime home on the rooftop, but I was pretty tired from the day's zoo adventures, so I stayed in the car. They brought me a duck pin though, that Ashlynn was given by the Duckmaster. (Did I ever mention that I got a pin in Oxford?) If they go tomorrow to watch them go from the rooftop to the lobby fountain, I'll go to watch as well.

Miles driven today: 40
Total miles driven: 1249
Total number of different license plates seen: 22 (plus Quebec, but not Ontario, which is kind of strange.)

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