Monday, July 20, 2009

Maybe it was Memphis... (July 20th)

We headed back to downtown Memphis today. Ashlynn wanted to go watch the Peabody ducks travel from their nighttime, rooftop home to the fountain.

Not really sure, but I don't think the Peabody statue dogs really liked having me around. It would have been nice to have a plaque or sign giving some information about these know, like WHY they were there in the first place in that silly stance. You can't tell from the angle of the picture, but Ashlynn wants you to know that they are not neutered.

And here we are by Duckingham Palace, nightly home for the ducks on the rooftop of The Peabody Hotel.

Don, assistant Duckmaster, guides the ducks toward the elevator.

When he asked if we would like to ride the elevator down with the ducks, we couldn't say "Yes!" fast enough. Ashlynn was so exited!

Angel had planned to video the ducks walking from the elevator to the fountain, but wouldn't it be Murphy's Law that her batteries died before that could happen. By the time the new batteries were in the camera, the ducks had made it to the fountain.

Seen these guys on Food Network?

Angel's plate: BBQ spaghetti, baked beans (thickened with BBQ sauce and bits of pulled pork), and pulled pork smothered with Neely's sauce.

No, she did not finish it! There was definitely enough left over for was a BBQ overdose kind of day.

The Pink Palace Museum. Some really rich guy started building the house, but then ran out of money, so he gave it to the city to turn into a museum.

Seems to be a theme of this blog to take pictures of me with some skeletal cousin. We did this in Dayton last year.

And one of Angel's favorite things to do...dangle me from things. Good thing this guy's extinct; if he wasn't, I sure would be by now!

This was Johnny Holiday, the Holiday Inn mascot for many years.

This is Lorriane Motel, where Martin Luther King, Jr. was assassinated in 1968. He was staying in room 306, on the corner behind the wreath. That's where he fell after he was shot by James Earl Ray.
The motel is operated as the National Civil Rights Museum.

There was an ice cream truck by the motel, of course benefitting from all the visitors, and this little puppy belonged to the ice cream man. Angel and Ashlynn immediately fell in love with her--just look at that cute pink and black nose! Angel came really close to asking if he would be willing to sell her (she was found in a park only 3 days prior), but figured that DJ wouldn't be too happy about that, so she resisted.

Well, we've enjoyed walking in Memphis, but tomorrow we head East toward Chattanooga. Back to the road!

Miles driven today: 42
Total miles driven: 1291
License plate count: 24 (almost halfway there!)

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