Sunday, July 6, 2008

July 5--Day 23--Bridal Shower

There was a bridal shower for Shanna, who's getting married in August. Usually those are girls only events, but how would I know what to report if I didn't sneak in?

It was a "Sex in the City" themed party. Ashlynn won the SITC book as a door prize, but Angel says she's too young to read it! Of course, Angel's still reading Hemingway's Green Hills of Africa, so it'll be a few weeks before she can get to reading it.

Don't worry--it's just punch. Those are pop rocks on the rim; sounds strange, but it's pretty tasty.

Summer in the pool--good stuff!

And since the water is still cold (remember, the summer's are much milder up here!), it's nice to take a dip in the hot tub as well.

Aaaahhhh, this is the life. Turns out the girls didn't mind me being here after all. It's nice to be loved!

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