Friday, July 4, 2008

July 3--Day 21--Archaelogy, Chicken, and Soccer

Terry took us to the Museum of Archeology (you'll notice on the sign that Canadians spell it differently). She worked there years ago and had a great time showing us around.

Of course I had a great time monkeying around the museum!

The posts for the fence are in the exact spot where the original posts were when the Natives put them in hundreds of years ago. Terry explained how they saw the post holes when they excavated the area.

Hope you can read the sign. It gives a short history of the site.

After walking in the main door, you're faced with a maze in order to get inside the village. Terry explained that was a way to hold off any intruders. The Natives would have platforms above the fences, and they could shoot arrows down at anyone trying to get inside.

Here I am inside a longhouse, climbing up to where the sleeping area would have been.

After a tasty supper at Swiss Chalet--that was a quarter of rotisserie chicken on my plate--we went to another of Airy's soccer games.

Guess where the soccer game was? DJ's old elementary school! In fact, all of DJ's cousins went to school here as well. It's walking distance from Nana's house.

What a cutie! She had such a great time playing on the playground, then coming and watching the game for a while, then going back out to the playground.

You'd never believe how chilly it got while were were sitting there! As the sun went down, it got almost cold! Angel should have packed us more winter clothes!

Airy's team won the game by the way. 4-2. Everyone says I brought them good luck.

Wonder if this applies to the kangaroo at the Toronto Zoo? Haha! I know I didn't include it in the pics from the zoo due to it's animal naturalness, but if you'd like a good laugh, email Angel and she'll send it to you!

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